每次收到Seeking Alpha的電郵,幾乎都有一兩篇是講General Electric呢隻股,題目不外乎是”Has GE bottomed?”或”Still upside potential for GE”之類。
陷入self denial,甚至死坐摶反彈,都是正常人的反應。我就諗住jot down以下幾點,提醒自己如遇上”明日黃花”股,一定要果斷KO!!
對buy and hold的投資者來說,股價最理想的trajectory,應是多年來緩漲向上(如中電丶港鐵等)。即使股價曾因金融風暴而下挫,隨經濟復蘇後,應能重拾舊價,甚至再創新高。
2)此股是否與行內的sector etf及強勢股,愈走越遠?
再舉General Electric,我本來以為是tech stock,點知查過才知佢屬於industrial sector。咁好啦,我就用XLI及Lockheed Martin同GE比較一下,看看GE同人哋嘅relative strength差幾遠:
除了跑輸版塊,神奇的”明日黃花”股,會連續跑輸埋各大指數,甚至TIP丶TLT呢類inflation indicators,單係睇圖都覺驚嚇:
A loss is a loss,股份的基本面開始衰退時,我們便應全數沽清。你會定期檢查自己的portfolio嗎?如發現”明日黃花”股,你又會否捨得沽走它們?歡迎留言分享一下:)
近日收到網友Alan Chen的電郵,謹此和大家分享一下:
Hi Cherry,
I was really happy to stumble across your blog because your current lifestyle resembles what I might pursue in the near future. I am from Sydney (currently studying at HKU for one exchange semester) and am reading your blog to pick up some inspiration and to widen my chinese reading. As a finance and economics student graduating at the end of 2018, I have always enjoyed teaching, and am considering whether to pursue a full time university TA position in 2019 (whilst continuing my outside tutoring positions and trading shares as other sources of income). However, I am aware of the limited scope to grow within the teaching field, given I do not intend to pursue a university lecturer role as I am not too fond of writing academic papers on a full time basis. Others have recommended for me to start in the industry and to turn back to teaching after gaining a couple of years of experience. Despite this being an attractive option, I believe if I pursued teaching roles right after graduation, I would have an earlier influx of income and more time to develop trading as a secondary source of income.
I would like to seek your advice on my situation and would like to learn more about your personal journey. For instance, I would like to learn more about your path after graduation (whether you went straight to freelance tutoring), what you tutor, your weekly schedule (e.g. how many hours spent tutoring and researching/trading) and your future career path.
I understand responding to my concerns might be time consuming, but I would really love to have your opinion, given there are not many others in the same situation. For this reason, I would be more than happy to donate to you 50 Stellar Lumens (XLM) to show my appreciation.
Feel free to respond to my email in chinese. I look forward to hearing from you, and hope you continue your blog for as long as possible :)
Kind regards,
Hi Alan,
Nice to receive your email! While I don’t have the expertise to answer all your enquiries, I may share some viewpoints regarding career and work.
With my limited knowledge, I won’t assume being a university lecturer is easy. The workload of grading papers, assisting students, and dealing with red tape in university administrations, can be a real drain on energy. No job is necessarily easy, especially in a field which emphasizes “publish or perish”. The lack of tenure positions is a concern too. Very likely, you will be “pressurized” to acquire a PHD after setting out as a lecturer.
Besides, were you to give up a “traditional career” in finance industry, you would need to perform consistently well in your other streams of income, like freelance tutoring and day trading. Maybe you excel at using derivatives and leveraging. However, the income can fluctuate greatly in difficult times. The opportunity cost seems to be rather high, given the remunerative nature of your profession.
I am afraid I can’t reveal much about my personal life. But obviously, I have made trade-offs by switching from office work to freelancing. Would your family support your decision? Would your beloved ones’ quality of life be affected?
Your offer of XLM is generous, but it is not the way how bloggers answer enquiries. A blogger with integrity will never charge “fees” like that.
If I were in your shoes, I would venture in the business field first. The exposure to macro environment will broaden your horizon, benefiting both your career and investment. If you are really into “freelancing and trading”, feel free to quit the rat race after several years of self-evaluation.
All the best with your future endeavors!
回覆刪除另,回應電郵內容,當年大學 Final Year 時我也考慮過繼續走學術路線執教鞭,但自己只是象牙塔長大未有見過世面,覺得自己教書比起其他教授或導師沒有優勢,所以畢業時決定了先在商界汲取經驗,日後希望可以將實戰經驗授予學生。結果一做就是十多年,至於學術文章… 就留在 Blog 發表吧! :)
Cherry 說得很對,在大學教書,KPI 有 70% 都是做研究,還要在官僚環境的狹縫生存,實在不是自己想做的事情、想過的生活。
回覆刪除謝謝風兄的分享👍 GE同GM呢類有”護城河”的國家企業,又真係好難執,所以其債券是可考慮的選擇。
941, 2628, 883, 857, 293...
刪除Poor me, I have a few of these "flowers" since 2007 which I need to get rid of. Fortunately it doesn't account for a significant portion of my portfolio.
刪除I think everyone of us can relate to your experience, Gitana. It’s like removing the weeds in your garden. Just sell the losers before they deteriorate your overall returns!
刪除我都同意明日黃花股唔代表唔可以玩,只要不要心存幻想盲目以為它會有一天重拾昔日的光輝。我都搵位入了 293,回報還可以。
刪除只係可以講自由工作者+DAY TRADE,比起全職工作,絕對唔係表面睇咁爽。
回覆刪除呵呵對呢Ryan兄~ 4pm前day trade丶4pm後補習,不一定好過office工。當自己要全權孭飛時,便沒有明確的「放工」時間。
刪除BTW Cherry姐英文好好 :P 應該係有幫人補英文!!!
捐50個XLM俾妳....Sorry我忍唔住笑咗 xdd
回覆刪除阿Sue唔好笑啦😅 鋼之鍊金術師都教我地要等價交換,好正常啫~
刪除I really don't mean to laugh at others too but the word "donate" is a bit funny. But I am sure Alan really treat you as an expert and would like to learn from you.
刪除Thanks for your comment Gitana! I think Alan just tries to be reciprocal, which is a well-intentioned act. That’s much better than people who always ask for favors, but do nothing in return...
刪除明日黃花股也不是不可買的, 但要看清現實, 股價與公司基本因素的關係.
回覆刪除Ok noted 👌
回覆刪除Yes Sammy, the grass is always greener on the other side...
刪除對大部分的freelancers來說,一人養家都是頗大風險。好似我個人做freelance,配偶就做salary man,大家有個buffer比較穩陣。