本來用幾粒鐘打的長氣文, 竟然㩒錯制冇save到, 咁我惟有“良心發現”, 打番篇濃縮版, 希望方便大家參考William O' Neil的selling rules。今次先打5個points, 下次打埋另外一半:
1. Heaviest Daily Volume
1. Heaviest Daily Volume
自advance stage開始, 個股某天突然出現一年內最大的成交。
2. Largest Daily Price Run-Up
個股自踏入advance stage, 連升多個月後, 某天突然出現頗大的升幅%, 多於以前任何一天的增幅。
3. Climax Top Activity
如個股連續2-3個星期急升(weekly chart), 或“每8日升7日”/“每10日升8日”(daily chart), 便屬於climax top。
4. Signs Of Distribution
以前blog文提過: 股價無實際升幅, 而成交量又愈來愈少的個股, 便是大户散貨的表現。
5. Exhaustion Gap
個股在advance stage的第12-18個星期内, 突然出現頗大的上升裂口, 這往往是缺乏demand的跡象。然而, exhaustion gap有時屬短期現象, 如跌價後有承托及rising demand, 不久後便可reverse番做uptrend。
刪除Oh i see⋯但有些股是不用在短期pullback沽走,坐耐些仲有肉食
刪除但我想等佢volume多番哋先,現時似大户已lose appetite,暫不敢入住~
之前也經常經歷這些不幸事情, 所以為節省時間, 現在已很小寫文章。
刪除最近Cherry寫咁多技術分析,唔係我強項,知多D,學下一技傍身也好 :)
回覆刪除對呢阿Sue,雖然我已在Multicharts set咗哋線,但好多時仍要親自落場...
刪除Indicator最好合併睇,而非信哂一個訊號。如上圖的例子P&G,出現heaviest daily volume期間,其實仲有RSI背馳。
刪除我下次寫points 6-10時,應會有所補充的👍
Student says :
回覆刪除Hi Cherry,
You are so enthusiastic about charts analysis!
My "stocks selling strategy" is as follows:
I have my investment portfolio.
I focus on "Profit-making" and "Good management" companies.
I note that most investors are very speculative and this leads the share prices always irrational in the short time.
So in recent 2-3 years, I usually compare stocks of "same field" or of "high correlation" and selling a member stock (or a portion only) for buying another stock/stocks, i.e. doing "stocks switching".
No matter tomorrow HS Index goes up 3000 points or goes down 3000 points, I will still hold my "relatively better" stocks (only "I think" so that I can sleep all the night!) and receive dividends from my portfolio members in the long run.
I have been doing accounting works, but I only know little technical analysis. I think it is a necessity for the stock market but to me is not so important.
I am glad about my method ..... but it may not be suitable for you.
I hope we will all be successful. ^_^
Thanks for your sharing “Student”!As my articles center around US stocks,the tactics involved should be different from those of HK stocks.
刪除I seldom use technicals for my HK blue chips,as most businesses are quite transparent and comprehensible in a fundamental manner. Your way of retaining the market top performers is useful for most individual investors.
However,US stock market is a completely different territory. Price surges can be huge, while declines can also proceed fiercely, never to return to their previous highs after a bear market ends. For a trend-driven market like US, you need to keep watch on your portfolio, even the best “market leaders”.
刪除Also, using technicals does not mean being overly speculative. In fact, “speculator” originates from the Latin word “speculari”, which means to “spy and observe”. It is nothing bad at all, you bet.
刪除You stressed the positive use of ‘price surge + huge volume’ last time,but your message in this post seems contradictory~~
回覆刪除‘price surge + huge volume’作為利好訊號,最好是在個股剛過了dormant stage,或在跌市時出現以確認轉勢。
刪除Sell rules 之中climax top幾好用,特別係如果當日嘅volume 低於上一日,或於最近大約半至一個月內,volume明顯處於downtrend的情況。
回覆刪除另外break long term uptrend line都比較常用,但呢個要set program自動detect好困難。
阿里巴巴我同意。特別係如果睇daily chart, 有好明顯嘅exhaustion gap,我如果有貨喺心實會沽左先,大不了再升再入過。
但佢本書嘅所有sell rules, 基本上只適用於大升後嘅股票。即係話你要應用到佢,首先要揀到D大升嘅股票先XD
刪除謝謝Derek兄含金量咁高的分享👍作者對climax top的描述很詳細,但微細處如“railroad tracks”,我就唔識睇,兼費時白撞了😅
刪除哈哈下篇我會講upper/lower channel lines。
“本書嘅所有sell rules, 基本上只適用於大升後嘅股票”
刪除Yes佢主要講牛三點止賺,多於講止蝕方面的selling rules~
近月美市攀升,多咗股票有exhaustion gaps亦不出奇。我在近期收到的etf reports中,也見不少成份個股乾升,但volume少咗(似足香港樓市XD)。
刪除Thanks Derek,Alan伯喺96年講irrational exuberance,但嗰市隔咗3/4年先爆。所以要坐足成個牛三,真係好考功夫👍
刪除現時的Shiller PE Ratio,Buffett Indicator等指數,比起我三月寫文時,又升高咗哋~無論散户有没有美股,身處香港這種外向型經濟,都要警惕些。
騰訊個圖又幾似Climax Top 喎
回覆刪除呵呵散户兄,騰訊似係隔每幾月就來一次climax top XD
刪除如果政府繼續俾佢壟斷市場的話,散户就可看成係normal pullbacks再入貨😂😂