1."The Parent’s preferred shares will continue trading on the NYSE under current terms." (Top of page 2.) _____ Mechanics of how they get this done: _____
2. Proposals ... Removal of the De-Listing Event: The Bondholders Put Option following a De-Listing Event shall be removed and thereby the de-listing of the Parent’s common shares from NYSE shall not trigger a Put Option.
3. Up-Front Fee As consideration for the Bondholders’ approval of the Proposal, the Issuer offers to pay a one time UpFront Fee of 8% of the Nominal Amount of the Bonds, provided that the Proposal is approved (to be shared among the Bondholders on a Pro Rata basis) (the “Up-Front Fee”). The Up-Front Fee is payable no later than 5 Business Days after the De-Listing Event occurs, following a 5 Business Days prior written notice from the Issuer to the Bond Trustee and with record date on the end-of-business 2 Business Days before such payment.
Next week會在$23此水位再加ATCO.PR.I,一旦開會通過删除delist條款就要買貴貨,越接近call date,相信慢慢升回/穿票面;今年觀察所見,Fixed To Float産品好硬凈,抗跌,It's time to buy!
Hi cherry,財政壓力人皆有之,不分男女,HK物價、生活成本不斷攀升,除左公務員奉旨加薪,在整體衰退大環境下負擔更重,真的此地不宜居?!
回覆刪除我又update下d投資,隨住ATCO最新Bondholders’ Meeting公告,幾月前因恐慌delist NYSE,掟到OTC而拋售之優先股開始反彈;年頭沽清ATCO.PR.H 7.875%也在$20全數補回,進一步$23入埋ATCO.PR.I 8%,Fixed To Float,call date 2023 10月尾,no call即轉5.008%+ 3 month Libor變10厘(now 4.76),好吸引;搏佢為免負擔更昂貴利息,信有絶大機會如期贖回!
ATCO主業係貨櫃船租賃,fixed-rate time charters加long term,收入較穩定,停止或延遞派息機率較小。
叧入左少量fixed rate BEPH 4.625%作為對冲,若FED 2023下半年掉頭減息價格會修復,現時Fixed To Float亦炒得太貴,不宜入手。
再次謝謝你的留言分享🙏我自十月底加堂至今,休息下十二月中便再忙碌。希望大家也身體健康!平安好運呢 ❤️
在投資路上,我曾思考投資是否零和遊戲? research、action,然後透過分享目標、策略,達致雙贏(多d人買,共享成果)。
刪除完全明白Topow你的想法~其實每次免費分享,都覺得會否只有give而沒有take。但每個人都固步自封的話,世界便不會有進步。再者,fix-income價格相對上冇咁受market sentiments影響,所以大家宗旨也是持至maturity date穩定收息,這與derivatives/options等即時炒出炒入的急性資訊不太一樣呢。
Seaspan Announces Summons For Bondholders' Meeting
Thx for sharing! 但我見”Seaspan, 6.5% 29apr2026”(NO0010981939) 按144A規則不可在IB買賣呢 ~ 不過atco.pri我仍有貨😅👌
刪除打漏左,ATCO落實被Fairfax Financial Holdings(FRFHF)旗下收購,交易完成即除牌;個會關注key points如下(delist危機解除):
回覆刪除1."The Parent’s preferred shares will continue trading on the NYSE under current terms." (Top of page 2.)
Mechanics of how they get this done:
2. Proposals
Removal of the De-Listing Event: The Bondholders Put Option following a De-Listing Event shall be removed and thereby the de-listing of the Parent’s common shares from NYSE shall not trigger a Put Option.
3. Up-Front Fee
As consideration for the Bondholders’ approval of the Proposal, the Issuer offers to pay a one time UpFront Fee of 8% of the Nominal Amount of the Bonds, provided that the Proposal is approved (to be shared among the Bondholders on a Pro Rata basis) (the “Up-Front Fee”). The Up-Front Fee is payable no later than 5 Business Days after the De-Listing Event occurs, following a 5 Business Days prior written notice from the Issuer to the Bond Trustee and with record date on the end-of-business 2 Business Days before such payment.
Next week會在$23此水位再加ATCO.PR.I,一旦開會通過删除delist條款就要買貴貨,越接近call date,相信慢慢升回/穿票面;今年觀察所見,Fixed To Float産品好硬凈,抗跌,It's time to buy!
Thanks for your sharing! 我估fixed to float硬淨的原因係佢比較跟加息環境。相信de-list風險一除,ATCO產品價格便可能一致回升,小量加注也不錯呢😌
刪除我身邊都有一些女性的朋友因為不同嘅發展而開始有財政的壓力,但這些壓力讓她們發掘更多更大嘅賺錢機會,這種決心和執行力比男性厲害很多倍 🤣🤣